Deaf artist celebrates success of first exhibition

Peter Mugridge, from Epsom, started painting as a schoolboy
A deaf artist who started painting as a schoolboy is celebrating the success of his first exhibition.

Peter Mugridge, 45, from Epsom, recently showcased his work at the Ebbisham Centre, in Epsom town centre, where his work attracted a good number of visitors - some of whom went home with his canvases.
The father-of-two, who said he is "not happy about the ongoing Croydonisation of Epsom", became deaf aged five and suffered a gradual deterioration in his hearing until 2009, when he was fitted with a cochlear implant after his hearing loss reached 100 decibels in both ears.

Mr Mugridge, who is also a railway enthusiast, and a keen astronomer and photographer, said: "I started painting in oils while still at school doing various subjects - sunsets, railways, aircraft ships, landscapes, astronomy subjects, buildings, but not portraiture.  Unfortunately I cannot get faces and digits right."
For more information about Mr Mugridge’s work email with ‘paintings’ as the subject matter.